Thursday, November 6, 2008

We are almost to the end

I can hardly believe that our time here in Richmond is almost over. It seems like the time has flown by, and in spite of the hard work, challenging schedule and being separated from Dave, it does not seem as if we've been here for 19 days. We have been treated with such care that in all honesty, it has felt like home.

No matter how short the time has seemed, we must now decide how we will handle our return home. I am excited to say that our return will not be as scary as I had originally thought. Actually, our prayers (and the prayers that our team is praying) have been answered! Let me explain.

About 10 years ago I began tutoring a student in Language Arts. She has since grown up and has over the last several years trained and worked as physical therapy tech. Currently, she is available to provide me with help in carrying out Aiden's extra therapy. I didn't come up with Tara's name on my own. Just like many of you, I have been asking the Lord to guide me into a place of peace about our return home. As I was driving in to the center 2 days ago, Tara's name came to my mind and I called. I was excited when she called and seemed interested, but when she offered to come to the center to see what Shannon needed her to do, I cried.

I realize that this is just one more time when the Lord has provided for us or given guidance in this situation. Truly, I am stunned by His faithfulness. And the thing is I know that I don't deserve it at all. I have been reminded so many times during Aiden's life that God has chosen us to be his parents. There have been days, (and may be more in the future), when I questioned God's wisdom; when I was angry and resentful. And no matter my behavior towards Him, God has remained; faithful. Psalm 86:15 says, "But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." I don't want to make this sound simple; life can be hard and heartbreaking and back breaking and sad and lonely. But there is hope and peace and grace and healing in the arms of the Lord; because He is forever faithful.

I will end here and again extend my thanks and gratitude for the prayers and praises that have surrounded us through our therapy. Continue to pray for our progress tomorrow, and at home. Also, continue to pray for Shannon and her family. Sleep would be a blessing!

Blessings to all,
PS. This last picture is of Shannon putting Aiden in a harness for balance and bouncing in the therapy cage. Today, my son jumped for the first time!!!!! He bent his knees and his feet came off the ground! Needless to say, we "jumped for joy" and cheered at the top of our lungs, and maybe even teared up a little :)


Anonymous said...

We just got back from a few days at the cabin at YDI and I caught up on your last week in Richmond.

What an exciting week!! and isn't it amazing how pieces often fall together just when we need them?

Thank you so much for sharing Aiden's time with all of us.

I'm going to be thinking and I want you to think to of some ways I can be helpful now that you've returned to Staunton.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on the computer much this week, so I'm just catching up with you, too. What a blessing to be able to follow your journey! God is so good : ) spite of us, huh? I'm praying for continued progress for Aiden after you come home. Looking forward to seeing you!