Monday, November 3, 2008

All the practice is paying off!

They say that practice makes perfect, but I guess I didn't think that applied to our situation. Yeah, I realized that the more we repeated an action with Aiden the more likely he would get it, but coming into this marathon therapy setting I wasn't thinking about what he might actually get.

Today I watched Aiden really begin to get the idea of kneeling to stand and putting his hands down to push to stand. You can see on our faces that we are just thrilled to see him succeed at this activity. You don't think about the mechanics of this move, but it is pretty involved. For Aiden it is even more of a challenge because of a disconnect that seems to occur between his brain and legs. His legs say, "We will not bend no matter what!" Not that he is particularly stiff otherwise, it's may be a muscle firing problem; I don't know. But now, after 33 hours of up and down, bouncing on the trampoline and using the bungies in the therapy cage, he is finally getting it!!!!!

It seems that the more he learns the more hesitant I am to return to our hometown. I question my ability to help Aiden to maintain the momentum that we have managed here. To be perfectly honest with you, I am a little scared. To have spent all of this time and lose ground would be disheartening to say the least.

So for those of you who wonder what we'll do and how we'll do it, all I can say is, "I'm not quite sure yet." But I am praying for the creativity that's required to complete such a task in our home.
We are very fortunate to have a very supportive family (some pictured below) and a supportive church family as well. Now, however, comes the really hard part; asking for help. It is easy in this day and age to begin to feel overly self-sufficient. And to actually feel proud of that fact. In the past it has been difficult to ask because I didn't want anyone to know that I was less than able to handle my situations. At this point in my life I am smart enough to know that this is not true. I am unable in many cases, and need help. My learning to humble my self and ask for assistance will not only make me more open to the Holy Spirit, it will also benefit my children as they watch me practice humility; and as others practice the gift of service.
Thank you all for your continued prayers. Aiden is still feeling under the weather, but managed to tough it out through PT today. Please pray for a successful conclusion to our therapy. Also, pray that the Lord gives us clear vision for our return home plans.
Blessings to all,


Anonymous said...

Christa~ Please don't hesitate to ask us for help. I am no good at recognizing needs and jumping in to help, but I'm very willing if I'm told what needs there are!

Anonymous said...

love the pink wrist weights....Hooray for Aiden..(lots of hard work) and Christa and Tara ( dedicated and creative) ...and Addison..(little mommy) Let's not forget Dad and Aaron..(ready to take over when the others tire)...and the rest of us are just icing on the cake...we jump in when and where we can...we love you all, Mom and Dad