Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We finally got the videos!!!

Drum roll please......the videos are here! As you can see in the picture, Aiden is all ready to watch his movie star debut and I am so excited for you all to see some of the therapy sessions in action. Both of these videos are from earlier in therapy, and Aiden has progressed since that time, but it gives you the opportunity to see Shannon and Aiden in action. The first video is from our first week. Aiden, as you can see, is in his therasuit and using his gait trainer. The suit provides an extraordinary amount of resistance and pressure. We'll never know just how heavy those shoe are for his little legs!
In the second video, taken a week ago, Aiden is working hard to tackle the stairs. This is a skill that he has certainly not mastered, but his strength has so increased that he is able to stabilize his trunk more and is learning to properly place his feet on the steps independently. He still needs lots of help, but his gains in the area of mobility have been impressive.
Today in our most recent session we began the process of preparing for discharge. I am here to tell you that I am not thrilled to be leaving. Firstly, I am concerned that we will see a regression in Aiden's skills. As you well know, an exceptional amount of time has gone into this therapy, and although I would certainly do it all again, I would hate to see him lose skills. Secondly, our home is not necessarily equipped to handle the therapy stuff. We live in a small house that is filled with people (5), pets (2), and stuff(a ton). We have gotten rid of stuff, but people and pets stay. Lastly, and this is my own selfish reason, I will miss the company and friendships that I have established at Hope Therapy. I have had 15 hours a week to be with people who share a love of special needs children. (Ironically enough, I am a licenced Special Education teacher, so I have always felt a calling to special needs kids!) I am able to be silly. Cheer for the underdog. Dance if I feel like dancing. I have been able to feel at home. Bottom line, I will be lonely.

Also, I look at the amount of work that it will take to juggle everything; homeschooling, therapies, extra curricular activities, advocating for Aiden, having 5 minutes to myself (and not taking it in the bathroom with the door locked!). It all seems like a rising river, one that my little raft may not navigate. So, as the time nears for our departure I am trying to take my life one day at a time. Jesus said that we shouldn't worry about being fed or clothed; that to God we are so valuable that He'll take care of those things. Then He says, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?...Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself." (Matthew 6:25-34 condensed) Therefore, I will seek daily to learn to walk in a place where I look to the tasks of the day, and let the Lord take care of my future (and that of my family).

We have 2 more days of intensive and I am so grateful for the prayer support that we've received from you all. Please continue praying that Aiden has a successful completion of the program and that I begin to know that the Lord is in control of our return home. Thank you all.



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