Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Other Woman

As a mom you want what's best for your kids. You pray that someday they will meet the right people; the people that the Lord has especially for them. I thought that I would have a lot more time to prepare for this particular eventuality; especially with Aiden. (He is my youngest!!!)

Surprisingly this is not the case. Aiden has a very special friend, a girl friend if you will. And she is very important to him. My son has a thing for blondes, as you can see. He loves her sense of style, primary colors and all. He accepts her despite the fact that she always wears the same clothes and her hair style stays the same.

Girl friend, as we like to call her, is always there for Aiden. She is quietly encouraging through her availability. Girlfriend never complains, but is steadfast no matter how many times Aiden drops her. (I mean that literally not figuratively!) She has many qualities that I would want for this son of mine. (Except, she's plastic.)

With Aaron and Addison I have always had some sort of picture, or dream for their futures. I can envision Aaron and Addison grown up. I can believe that they will marry, have children, and be happy. My visions include spouses who are chosen by God to be helpmates; jobs that are precisely suited to the gifts that they've been given; deep and lasting friendships.

For Aiden I struggle with these dreams. Can he grow up? Will he ever have good friends? Is marriage something that is a wise idea, much less a possibility? Will he ever be able to have a job? Will my son know the his creator in a personal way, and if he does will his circumstances make him angry towards the God who made him? I bring myself back from this kind of worry fest with a promise that the Lord made to His children; "For I know the plans I have for you (and for Aiden)," declares the Lord, "...."plans to give you a hope and a future." Jer 29:11 Although, I'd really like to have control of the situation, I choose to once again step back and sit at the Father's feet, remembering that He loves my children more than I do and will care for them in ways that I cannot.
So in a strange way, girlfriend has given me a peace about Aiden's future. She may not be in his life for very much longer, but her influence on his life will be lasting. And hey, I've got some truly embarrassing photos to show his next girlfriend ;).
Hope everyone had a great week-end. Aiden was feeling a little under the weather last night and today. He ran a fever for some time last night. Please pray for complete healing and rest so that he is prepared to complete our last week at the center. Praise the Lord for our good steps forward so far. Also, continue to pray for Shannon. (Her daughter does not sleep well due to apenea, therefore, making sleep for the family difficult.)
Thank you all so much and blessings for a great Monday,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Aiden's grandparents, we've seen his efforts first hand.This little boy certainly has our hearts and we have seen such progress recently with his intensive program at Hope Therapy. We're so blessed to have a family that can come together with one purpose-to help and support Aiden.Love, Mom and Dad