Friday, November 28, 2008

A note of thanksgiving

Once again, I come to you all at the end of the week. It has not been bad mind you, only filled with traveling and the unsettled feelings that too many miles in a mini van can yield!! I will have pictures tomorrow, but I wanted to give you an update on Makayla, and give an insight into my Thanksgiving state of mind.

Firstly, thanks to all who have prayed and continue to do so for Shannon and her daughter Makayla. I had requested prayer for her hospitalization from RSV last week. As of Monday this week, Makayla was recuperating at home. Her oxygen saturation was considerably better, and although her lungs were not completely recovered (air sacs were deflated), she was doing well enough to be at home. I believe that Makayla is being treated with steroids to manage inflammation, but I am not positive about it. As well, Shannon's dad was going to be able to come into Richmond to provide some much needed respite for Shannon and her husband.

This is definitely an answer to our prayers. Please continue to pray for Makayla's recovery and progress. I believe that she is a blessing to her family, although, at times, like our Aiden, a challenge that is stretching and strengthening her family's spiritual muscles. For some this could be overwhelming. In Shannon, I see love, devotion, compassion for others and a calling to serve. I am thankful to be able to be used as a prayer warrior. Thank you all for being involved also.

Now for Thanksgiving. It is strange that there has to be a specific day for giving thanks. I know that there are days when I am less than thankful; I'm tired, my head aches and I can't decide what to fix for dinner, or I feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the commitment I've made as a parent, etc. I get grumpy and irritable; not just with my family, but with the Lord. Perhaps it is because of these days that it is a good thing that there is a day for thanksgiving.

Or maybe there is a day to remember to be thankful because we are not born with the inclination. How many times do you hear the parents of small children remind them to say "Thank you"? (Or please for that matter) How many times do I forget to thank the lady at the check out, or the mailman, or the guy who holds the door open at the mall? We are not naturally grateful people.

I wonder why that is; why are we not more thankful? Maybe it is because generally we have so much. Or maybe it's because we believe that we deserve all that we have (and more!). (So much for that "you have a low self-esteem" theory!!) We often take for granted the bounty that we have. For me and my family, I would like to change that.

The Psalms are full of songs of thanksgiving. Then the people knew that their blessings came from the Lord Almighty, not from hard work, a good education, or the right connections. And they expressed thanksgiving with gusto.....

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting
and His faithfulness to all generations. Ps 100:4-5

Thankfulness should not be based on how I feel, what has happened during the day, or the price I had to pay for a tank of gas. It should be based on the fact that the Lord is good and not just for today, but to all generations. I will strive to be thankful daily.

Blessings to you all and I will post tomorrow.

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