Monday, November 17, 2008

The "prodigals" return

We returned to church today after being away for almost a month. When they asked if there were any first time visitors I felt like I should raise my hand! It was a happy and very welcoming return for us.

As is our family's habit, since having Aiden that is, we sit in the very back of the sanctuary. There is about 10 feet between the back wall where the back pew is located and the next to last pew. So in the past we've sat in the back to let Aiden crawl around. Today he didn't crawl. Today he walked. And as he did, the faces of those precious people who have been praying lit up with true joy.

Our church family is thrilled to see Aiden's progress. Not only are they excited to see his success, but because they have loved us through all of the stages in Aiden's life, it is in a way their success also. Not to mention the fact that as they have prayed and continue to do so, they are seeing God's hand at work in Aiden's life and in the life of our family.

I am struck by the difference being in the right place can make in any situation. We went through a period of several years when we were not attending any church regularly. It was a very spiritually dry time for Dave and for me. During that time Dave had a very serious head on collision while I was out of town with the kids (Aaron-4 1/2, Addison 2 1/2). If we had been in a good church I would have called to have someone stay with Dave until I could drive the 4-5 hours from the beach. As it was, I felt scared and alone, and I wished for a church family. How fortunate we are now.

That really scary time drove home what Hebrews 10:25 states so clearly, "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." So when I saw tears in the eyes of several of my dear friends this morning, I knew that they were tears of joy, happiness, and faith in what the Lord is doing in our lives. They were encouraged to see God working and answering prayer in a real way; and they were encouraging me by pointing me to the One who is doing miraculous things in Aiden.

Thank you for reading tonight. I appreciate your time and comments. Please continue to pray for us as we head into a new week of therapy. Pray that I am able to balance Aiden's needs with those of my other children. Praise Him for Aiden's progress. Also, continue to pray for Shannon and her family. Pray that Shannon is able to get help from the NIH.

Blessings to all,

PS. Sorry there are no pics tonight; batteries died in my camera!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love being able to read and keep up with Aiden's progress at home! I also absolutely love the knee immobilizers and I have to let you know that a Mom is trying the baby oil "squeegee" for kinesiotape idea!! You are brilliant! It is awesome to see your approach to life and relationship with God. Your writings are very inspiring.I thank you for always thinking of my family and I ask for continued prayers! Makayla has been in the hospital since Wed with RSV and atelectasis. If tonight goes well we hope to be out Monday!! We are thankful for all of you who may not know my family but have been praying for us.
Well keep up the good work Christa and tell Aiden I'm so proud of him for his hard work!