Sunday, November 23, 2008

A quick update

Hello again. I am so sorry that I have been so lax in writing this week. It is not because I haven't thought often of doing so; simply that life seems so much more involved at home. It's really no excuse, but it is the truth.

I am back in Richmond with the family this week-end. The men in the family are heading out to do some fishing so Aiden, Addison and I are here with Grandma. We will head home on Tuesday and then back again on Wednesday or Thursday. (I wish that I could get frequent driver miles!!)
It's a crazy schedule, but at this point it is not worth worrying about.

Actually, this will be a rather short post today. I wanted to let those of you who read and pray about a prayer request that has been given to me. Shannon, our PT here in Richmond, has been staying in the hospital with her daughter Makayla since Wednesday. Makayla has RSV and atelectasis (a collapse of lung tissue affecting part or all of one lung). In an uncompromised child these are difficult. Makayla has some respiratory difficulties normally so this could be more dangerous. Shannon is hopeful that Monday will be their release date. Please pray that this is the case. Please pray for Shannon, her husband, and their other daughter; for rest and peace. Please provide doctors with knowledge and compassion. Finally, pray that the Lord would use me in this situation; whether it be preparing a meal, sitting with their youngest, or doing a stint at the hospital.

I truly appreciate the freedom that I have to come to you all and ask for prayer. It is a blessing beyond compare. Thank you to all who take these and all of my requests before the throne with confidence. You are a blessing.

In the love of the Lord,

PS. I will blog tonight once I've gotten a card reader for Mom's computer!

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