Sunday, November 23, 2008

So here's what's been going on

Earlier today I left a prayer request for you all. Now I can take some time to let you know what's been happening on the home front. Because as you all are well aware, there is seldom a dull moment at our house!!

Last Sunday we had a wonderful day at church. Aiden spent most of his time walking. He was on his feet for almost 2 hours. It was wonderful to see him moving independently. Unfortunately, when we got home he took a spill backwards. I know that it sounds dramatic, but the floor shook when he landed. And, as has been his habit in the past, Aiden fell like a tree in the forest...stiff and straight back. He hit his head so hard. I just couldn't look. (And if the truth be known, I cried.)

Aiden did a silent scream thing and got a little dusky around the mouth. There was a huge knot on the back of his head. He did not, however, lose consciousness.
All this is to say that come Sunday after nap Aiden was none to eager to walk independently.

He reverted back to some of the anxious behaviours that we were seeing before intensive. Needless to say, I was discouraged and distressed. How could this be happening after Aiden had come so far???

In my mind I decided that after a little PT on Monday everything would go back to normal. (That's a lot of eggs in one basket let me tell you!) Monday rolled around and PT was tough. Aiden held onto any part of me that he could reach; leg, arm, hand, hair. We toughed through, but it wasn't pretty.

I didn't have time to wallow, we were celebrating Aaron's 11th birthday and a very important Cub Scout award ceremony (Arrow of Light award). I was doubly encouraged at the ceremony. Aaron did a great job reciting his part, and Aiden (pictured in red) decided that walking with his gait trainer was OK.

Tuesday my friend Becky and I started cleaning out what will become the therapy room. (I will include a picture of the before eventually, but I don't want to hear any large inhalations of air once it's on here!!) We got about 1/3 of the way through so it may take a while longer to complete that job. But that is a totally mundane kind of topic. Let's get to the good stuff!!

Here it is, the most bizarre thing that happened this past week (I hope that I won't regularly have such a strange thing to pass on). Tara, our PT helper, called me Wednesday morning to let me know that she would not be coming for our workout. She had fallen off of a roof!!! Yes, I said a roof. She had been helping her dad with a project (obviously a roofing project) and she slipped. Fortunately, she was tied to her dad when it happened. Tara bruised her behind; slipped a second time and bruised her knees; sustained bruises on her torso from her bottom ribs to her armpits where the rope caught her. It was definitely not what I expected to hear on a lovely morning. Maybe "I've got a cold." or " My car broke down." , but certainly not "I fell off a roof."!!

Tara is ok, still bruised, but ok. She did come for PT on Friday, and surprisingly enough, Aiden was better. Not back to his (new) normal self, but not back to the child who would not make a move without a hand. I am sure that he will continue to move forward, but the days that seem like setbacks will still be difficult.

We met together as a family to celebrate Aaron's birth and his achievements in Cub Scouts on the 17th. That gave us a chance to honor him, and it gave Aiden to gain some confidence in his walking again. If we had not been in that place would there have been that opportunity? I don't know. What I do know is that God's timing is perfect. It is never too early or too late.

I was reading today about Abraham and Sarah and their wait for Isaac. How crazy would God have seemed if He had said, "You're going to have a son, but you won't have him for 30 years. I know that you and your wife are elderly, but trust me, it will happen for you." If it were me, I would have laughed and walked away. Instead, the Lord simply says, "Give thanks in everything; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (I Thes. 5:18) So no matter how many setbacks or surges forward, I must give thanks. (Just so you know, that verse seems to be saying that the part that is God's will is that we give thanks!!) I don't know if I could handle what lies before us if I saw it all at once. It is just too big. I can, however, allow God to deal with the future while I give Him thanks.
Thank you all for your faithfulness. Know that you bless me with the knowledge that you read and pray. (Comments just let me know who's there!) I will do my best to have an update on Shannon and Makayla tomorrow or the next day.
Blessings to all,

1 comment:

Aimee said...

It is so uplifting to read your blog and the continued faith that never gives up. God has a plan for Aiden and I think he will inspire other parents out there who are working with their own children who have some of the same problems. I enjoy reading your blog. It is nice to see others who depend on God for everything. Aiden is such a cutie pie. I can't wait to meet him.