Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A summer picnic

I was recently reminded by a friend that I hadn't updated my blog for a LONG time. She was right. I have to admit that although we were without internet service for 2 1/2 months (the joys of rural living!!!) I have not really made the time to let you all know how we are doing. I am sorry that I have been so lax. It wasn't that I wasn't thinking about it; when I did it was usually midnight (or later!) and I was dragging my behind!!!! I will do my best to be more disciplined and atleast keep you posted weekly. Yeah, if I were you I would be thinking "Right, I'll believe it when I see it". Don't worry, the skepticism doesn't bother me:)

So here we go....

This Saturday Aaron, Addison, Aiden and I went to Augusta Springs and had a picnic! For many of you this will not seem like a big deal. For us however, it is huge. Not because we have a hard time making sandwiches or because there aren't any places to picnic close by, but because ususlly Aiden doesn't tolerate them well.

I was skeptical as to whether or not we would even get to eat lunch, but Aaron and Addison have hope that springs eternal---Aaron even brought his net to catch minnows and crawfish.

I packed Aiden's books and some goldfish crackers and off we went! (I did make sandwiches:) The drive was beautiful, the weather was perfect and Aiden was in a great mood. Once there we had a little grumpiness, but once the Maisy books (still the perinal favorites) came out of the basket all was well.

After lunch we headed out for a walk on the handicapped accessible trail. The clack-clack of the boardwalk under the stroller's wheels seemed to be just what Aiden needed to relax into a peaceful mood.

Aaron and Addison were able to check out some of the information on the trail because Aiden was happy in his stroller. I have to be honest, I was just waiting for the meltdown to come. I am happy to say that I was completely surprised and greatly blessed by Saturday's outing. I should know that the Lord can use any situation to bless.

I have said on more than one occassion that I am often surprised by how the Lord blesses me. From the blessing of our new home where I am hopeful that others will find grace, mercy and blessings to a quiet Saturday picnic I am amazed by the depth of blessing that has been poured out on me. Am I only seeing them because I am in the unusual position of being a mom of a special child, or is it because I am slowly but surely learning to look at each day; each situation; each moment as a blessing?

I am hopeful that it is because I am learning to see the possibilities for blessing in all things. We do have to face things that many families will never have to face, but situations should not be what determines attitude. I could allow that to happen (and honestly I have), but that would leave me helpless. The Bible says, "For God did not give us a Spirit of timidity but of power and of love and of a calm and well balanced mind and discipline and self-control." (2Tim 1:6-8) By succumbing to that helplessness I give up the power and choose the timidity; I loose the character that I have been given through Jesus. I don't want to be afraid; I want the power not the timidity!!!

My friends if you find yourself choosing the fear or timidity over the power; if you're loosing sight of the blessings ask the Lord to redirect you. Our loving Father wants to bless us and He does daily. Open those boxes of blessings and enjoy them!
Thank you all for your continued prayers. We appreciate them and are so grateful for your support.
Blessings to all,

1 comment:

J in VA said...


Thanks so much for updating us. I look forward to hearing from you and maybe even meeting up with you somewhere as we've officially joined the ranks of homeschoolers.

Yah!! We're having great fun to boot.

Julie L