Friday, October 24, 2008

We've done the first week, yeah!!!

Aiden is learning to climb stairs! Most parents are concerned when their babies start climbing, but not me. Today I was ecstatic to see Aiden going up and down in the therapy room. It was a beautiful thing to see.
The pictures don't do justice to the amount of hard work that little guy did today. Not to mention the hard work
Shannon put in to get
Aiden firstly to a point
where his body understands better what to do, and secondly, the work she put in to get him to put it into action. I am exhausted at the end of our 3 hour session. Shannon does this every day. I will continue to be amazed by her energy and ability to get the best out of my son.
By now you all realize that we did not start out taking the stairs. We changed it up a little today and after the heat and massage, Aiden practiced his bouncing. He is belted into a harness and attached to the therapy cage (I'm sure that's not
the correct term for it , but I do my best) with really long bungee cords. These allow him to bend and bounce to strengthen his legs and hips. Aiden did kneeling to stand (kind of like lunges for us grown ups) over and over so that this action will become a pattern that his body remembers.
He also bounced with the trampoline under him. Despite some resistance he is really starting to get the knee bending thing.

I am encouraged today by Aiden's progress. He is not resisting the therapy and seems at times happy to be able to do more independently. At home we are noticing that he is more vocal and more animated. He is clapping his hands together instead of patting his legs when he is excited. He is even trying his luck with climbing on furniture. For some this last would cause much concern, but for us it means that Aiden is learning to balance on one foot while lifting the opposite knee onto the cushion.
I thought that I was doing pretty well learning to "be content in all circumstances", but I am being taught that I can find contentment in the really small things. Even something as seemingly insignificant as learning to bounce can bring excitement into my heart. I can be content with the quality of work that we've done this week. I don't want anyone to think that I am through with learning this concept, but this first week at Hope Therapy Center has helped me to see just how blessed I am.
Thank you all for your prayers. I would continue to ask you to pray for Aiden's progress. The second week of therapy is often the most difficult because of the rigorous schedule and fatigue from the first week. Please also praise the Lord for His faithfulness in allowing us to have such a successful first week. I miss home and look forward to seeing all of you upon our return in November.
In the love of the Lord,

PS. Since I can't figure out how to line up pictures and captions I'll let you know that the last picture is of Aiden having snack today. So it's not all hard work, we do take some time for eating and reading a good book or two. :)


Anonymous said...

It is so exciting to see Aiden's progress. We are praying for you guys. We love you!

Anonymous said...


I just got the info from Alice yesterday to find your blog.

What hard work you all did this past week! Keep on working and thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us all.

Julie L

Anonymous said...

Thanks for calling with the blog address today : ) I read through the whole thing - what a privilege to share your journey. How very exciting to see Aiden on a trike and walking the stairs! He looks so happy with himself : ) We continue to pray for stamina and the Lord's blessings beyond what you could ask or imagine. Love, Kim