Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Taking the stairs

Today we worked on stairs again.

I don't think many of us think
about all of the coordination that is
required to actually keep your body
upright and then to move it forward.

The fact that babies learn to walk so early says something for the amazing creativity that went into humans. Well, today we worked on helping this little creation take another step forward in his quest for more independence.
When you look at the pictures that I've included today you can see the amount of concentration that Aiden puts into his work. His little tongue gets to going and he forgets to swallow (that's a nice way to say that he drools:). But stepping up doesn't just take concentration, it takes preparation. Firstly, Aiden had to get himself up. Shannon had him coming to stand from a platform that was about 6 inches high.

We have been working on patterning over the last week, and today some of that seemed to kick in. Aiden, once his hands were planted (and sometimes held in place) he seemed to understand that he needed to get his feet under him in a deep squat. At that point he was able to push to stand. I make it sound so easy and quick, but sometimes he has to really work to get his feet in place, and often he struggles to get his second foot on the ground. That having been said, once he was up he was ready to step. Hooray for repetition!!

A couple of times today Aiden was ready to step before any of us were ready for him to step. He really wants to move and to be more independent. Dave and I both believe that through the work we're doing now Aiden will be able to achieve some of that independence.

As we worked today, my little man showed great patience and great perserverance. He keeps on most of the time with little to no complaining, and he does so with a sweet spirit. I am really proud of him.

Some day Aiden will be able to stroll down the streets of our hometown, maybe by himself, maybe with his mom on his arm :). Either way, I will look back on this time with fondness. Our experience at Hope Therapy to this point has been wonderful. I feel in many ways like I have come home. That says alot about the quality of the people who are caring for my son. And in many ways they are caring for me, too. What a gift I've been given.

Dave was with us today for therapy, and I believe that he was really surprised at the skills that Aiden has started to grasp. But for him I think the best part was seeing the smiles that lit up Aiden's face. Sometimes they go hand in hand with realizing that he has done what he wants to do; sometimes they come with the cheering that we give him; sometimes it's the pleasure he gets from a good book, but no matter why he flashes them, they melt his dad's heart.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and comments. I really covet them. I believe that we are seeing some of the fruit of that prayer in Aiden's progress. Please continue to pray for stamina and strength; and praise God for His faithfulness in all situations. He is good to us daily. I continue to ask for prayer for Shannon and her family. Good restful sleep is a great need for them. Please pray.

Blessings to all,


Anonymous said...


Thanks for taking the time to blog everyday. I know that your days are tiring and this is a lot to take in. I am really thankful that you take the time to write each day. I really enjoy checking the site to see the updates.

Anonymous said...

A Family to be Proud of!!
I wish each and every one of you could visit a therapy session to see how hard Aiden works and the degree of love,work,encouragement, and passion Christa poors in to these daily sessions. Aiden is making great progress and he is loved by all! These two are truly a TEAM that could melt your heart! Also a quick thank you to all who are praying for my family!