Thursday, October 30, 2008

Standing in the gap

Over the last two weeks I have seen many parents like me; they are doing all that they can to improve the quality of their children's' lives. They are in essence
"standing in the gap" for their kids. This phrase comes from Ezekiel 22:30 and references God's search for "a good man" to intercede for the nation of Israel. This is what I have seen over and over again at Hope Therapy; parents, grandparents, friends, other family members, therapists and staff "standing in the gap" for children who are unable to do so for themselves.

I know that for me the idea of standing in the gap meant that I would take the place of someone who couldn't do whatever it was that they were to do. But after some searching I realize that perhaps it is more the act of interceding for another person. I believe that as the parent of a differently abled child I do that everyday (and not just on a spiritual level). I am right there arguing with his little muscles while he learns to use them. "Come on little hamstring. You know what to do. We're not taking that half way move. Give it to us!!" I am standing in front of him as he uses his walker pleading with him to "come to Mama". And on a spiritual level I beg the Lord for an even playing field, for accepting friends, for an independent future.

The parents and care givers that I have had the privilege to meet or even to just observe over the last 2 weeks have been a blessing. It would be my prayer that as we work with Aiden others would see and be encouraged also. I do not know everyone who has been chosen as parents to children with such extraordinary needs, but there are a few things that I do know: You were chosen for a reason. Your child was chosen for a reason. You can stand in the gap. The God of the universe knew what He was doing!!

Maybe Aiden will never be able to do everything that I would want him to do, or maybe the timing isn't my choice, but I will believe that he will do what God has gifted him to do. Until the time comes when he can do that on his own, I will stand in the gap!

Thank you all for your praises and prayers. I am in awe that you continue to stand with us in this endeavor. Pray for Dave as he finishes up his 2nd week separated from us. Pray for Aiden's stamina. As you can see in the 2nd picture, he got a little fussy about having to work today. Lastly, praise the Lord for Aaron and Addison. They have been awesome kids through this. Continue to lift Shannon and her family. Restful sleep is a real need. :)

I thank God for you all daily. Blessings to all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you look at that picture of Aiden crying and see yourself? Having not been there, the still- frame picture struck me - how I must fuss like that to God sometimes...."it's too hard, God! I don't want to go through this!" And yet He still gently walks me through things because He can see the good that will result when I can't. Keep on encouraging Aiden through it, Christa. You're doing a great job standing in the gap for your son. It's a blessing to know you! Kim