Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our first Thursday at Hope Therapy

This is a happy boy in a therasuit!

When we started our therapy this week I didn't know what to expect; Would the staff work well with Aiden? Would he adapt well to the rigorous schedule? Would he benefit from this therapy
program? It was with trepidation that we walked through the doors on Monday. Today, I have a different view of the whole process. I am amazed at the way Shannan our therapist works
with Aiden. I am amazed by the lengths to which the staff is

willing to go to in order to get the best out of Aiden. Finally, I am amazed at Aiden's ability to persevere through what for some of us would be an overwhelming physical routine. He truly is my hero.

We started our day with Aiden doing some knee walking and walking independently. Shannon used the time to video his movements for evaluation. So today Aiden started his day at the center as the movie star. (I knew he was a star all along.) This was followed by "the routine" (heat,

massage, gym exercises) and the superman swing. Aiden is working on strengthening his arms and upper body strength (in the picture to the left of this paragraph). It will help him in all of his mobility issues and I believe in the long run it may also help to improve his fine motor skills and maybe even some language issues. You don't really think about how interconnected our bodies are until they don't work right. Who knew that having good muscle tone in your trunk would effect your intestinal track, but when you think about it, it makes sense. (I'm glad the job of creating the human body wasn't mine!!)

All in all it was another good day. Aiden worked hard. He is beginning to really understand what muscle movements are expected from him. He still needs the prompts and honestly it seems to depend on the day as to whether or not it's the glutey or the quad or the hip flexor that he doesn't want to work. But, hey, he's three. He's suppose to start making some decisions for himself, right?

I am proud of my little boy. He is a sweet, dear child. Yes, he is different than most three year olds, but I am deciding to look at him as an individual and I am not going to compare him to anyone else. This is sometimes a challenge for me. When I was pregnant with Aiden 2 very good friends were also pregnant at the same time. We all delivered within a week of each other. (Aiden was first.) I see these other children either in photos or in person and I cannot help myself. I think of them walking, talking, running. I compare. But this is going to stop. Aiden is Aiden. He is a blessing that I could never have imagined that I needed. The Lord has chosen me to be his mom and He has chosen Aiden to be the softening agent for my heart; the builder of my character, and the one who I believe will teach me about true joy.

For those of you who are praying, continue to pray for Aiden's stamina, his perserverance and his progress. As well, pray for all parents. It is a really hard job. We all need the help.

PS. Continue to pray for Shannon and her family. She really appreciates it (she told me so!) Also, if any of you are interested, I would love to know that you've been reading (or just looking at the pictures). Please use the comment option. Thanks.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

(took me a while to register with google)...Hello! I've been reading your blogs every day, C, and I want to say woo hoo to you and A! Lots of hard work for BOTH of you, and it's obviously good for him and encouraging for you. Love hearing about your little revelations. I can see how God is working in both of you. Hang tough, you fighters you! Love to you all, Yvonne and fam