Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am exhausted!!!

It hit me like a ton of bricks, and maybe it's because I had to go clothes shopping, but I am tired. I thought about using the word exhausted. So, in the spirit of keeping this interesting and improving my vocabulary, I decided to use a thesaurus. The entry for exhaust reads; drain, tire, empty, wear out, use, finish, fatigue. Yeah, that sounds like me, but I really don't have a reason for such feelings. I am not doing the hard work. Aiden is.

Each day my little guy joyfully gets up, eats breakfast, watches Curious George in the car on the way to the center and then lets us poke, prod and push him. I look at his little face, and see a contentment that I so often do not have. Today I saw much of that as we went along through his daily work. Despite the work, he seems to be happy and rested most of the time. I have no excuse for being exhausted (except maybe staying up late to write).
But the word exhaust is right above a word which really does apply to our situation. That word is exhaustive. Exhaustive means comprehensive, thorough, extensive, complete. That is truly what this experience is for us. It is a comprehensive look at what might be possible for the future. Aiden will be thoroughly evaluated and will undergo an extensive physical therapy program. When it is complete we should be able to have an exhaustive plan set for his return home.

As I make my comprehensive plans, I think that the Lord listens, and chuckles to Himself. "Funny girl," He says. "Don't you know that my plans are better than the best thing that you can imagine?" "Just wait and see. I'll surprise you with exactly what you need, exactly when you need it."
This program is just like that. I would never have imagined that it would be this good for Aiden. I think that had we known about it, we would have brought him earlier, but the truth of the matter is that he may not have been ready earlier. Or maybe we would not have been ready earlier. We are seeing Aiden do all sorts of things that he was not doing a week ago; lift himself up and down on his tip toes, cruise around the living room, clap his hands instead of patting his lap when excited, making lots of eye contact, steering his gait trainer, trying to get up on the furniture. To those of you with typical children these things seem rather mundane. For us these accomplishments are steps towards God's exhaustive plan for Aiden, and we are thank God for these little steps.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. I believe that you are a special part in this process.
Praise God for His faithfulness to us. We are grateful for progress. Also for Aiden's toleration of the process. Pray for our continued good health and strength. I also thank you for your continued prayers for Shannon. Pray for sleep!
Blessings to you all,
PS. Thanks to those of you who have been leaving comments. It really is very encouraging :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christa, I look forward to each days progress report and have shed many a tear while reading them. I am so glad to see Aiden making progress and know you are too. Dave has kept me informed but I want you to know I am praying for all of you that are working so hard with Aiden ... give him a hug for me and tell him Pa-Pa loves him. Do the same for my other two grandchildren also. My therapy is nothing compared to what he is going through. Take care and thanks again for the dailey reports. Love you all. Pa-Pa Johns