Friday, October 31, 2008

The end of our second week

As we come to the end of our second week of intensive therapy I feel the need to take stock in what we've accomplished. We have filled our days with gait training, superman swinging, tall kneeling to standing... the list goes on. But in the grand scheme of things what does it all mean?

For us it means that today my son showed his Uncle Chris that he could stand himself up and (almost) sit himself back down again safely. It means that today my son decided where he wanted to go, and was able to steer his gait trainer without running into walls, chairs, etc. Grant it, today was a day that required some video assistance, but it still was a day of accomplishment for Aiden. (He's watching Curious George the movie.)

I attended a ladies' retreat several weeks ago. The theme was "Having a Mary heart in a Martha world". I am learning to have more of a Mary heart as a result of our time here in Richmond. Yes, I am still rushing about to get people to their assigned places. Yes, I am still feeling pulled in many directions, and wonder if anyone notices. Sure, I want to be acknowledged for my contributions to the family (not much feed back in the domestic engineer field!). But, for three hours each day I focus on the important thing. Like Mary I can hear my heavenly Father's voice as He beckons me to wait; as He entreats me to rest in Him; to allow Him to do the work that I would take on myself. I hear the still small voice reminding me that Aiden is safely in the palm of his hand.

Instead of worrying about how Aiden will learn to read, or where he'll get a job (or who will care for him if anything happens to Dave or me), I watch in wonder as he scoots across the room with "the greatest of ease". I believe that this is what I was supposed to see today so that I would remember to choose the things in life that are "better" (see luke 10:38-42).

Aiden is pro gress ing. He may not be run ning any mara thons tomorrow (that is saved for next week) but I have hope that some day he may run. This is more than I could say when we began this adventure. And only time will tell where this one will end up!

Many thanks to all who continue to pray. Aiden has been a little more fussy this week. Please pray that he is able to maintain the schedule for our remaining week. It is very rigorous and he is tired. Praise God for the work that I feel He is doing in me. I am grateful for a change of perspective. I would continue to ask on behalf of Shannon and her family. They need good restful sleep.

Blessings and peace to all,


PS. Thanks to our friends at Pufferbellies in Staunton. Aiden is sitting on an orange Rody that was generously donated by Pufferbellies to replace one that was lost in the Hope Therapy Center fire. THANK YOU!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Christa - you guys look amazing! I'm so excited for you all! I see I've been slacking in my commenting option, so wanted to let you know we've all been praying for you and are following the BLOG closely! Love you guys. Tell the kids I said hello.