Friday, October 15, 2010

There's a reason for the age warning!!!

For those of you who may not know these are Legos. There are thousands of these little multicolored blocks in my house. They range in size from quarter inch rectangular and round blocks to three inch rectangles; from wheels to miniature guns. We have storm troopers, Darth Vader, C3PO, and even Princess Lea and Luke Skywalker; all in Legos. These toys have provided hours of really good imaginative fun for Aaron. But there is a warning; a safety warning, on the box. It says something like "not safe for children under the age of three". It should include children of any age who chew on non-food items!!
Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, Aiden found several of Aaron's Legos on the floor last Friday night. He put them in his mouth and chewed them up. In the process he got at least one block caught in his throat. What followed is the worst case scenario for lots of parents; Aiden began to choke.
I wasn't at home but Dave is pretty level-headed and keeps his wits about him. He gave Aiden a couple of really good thumps (didn't work), flipped him over (didn't work) and called 911. While waiting for the EMTs (who by the way went to the wrong house) Dave swiped Aiden's mouth. We aren't sure if this pushed down what was stuck or whether Aiden was able to move the Lego, or if there was supernatural intervention, but Aiden swallowed. By the time I got home, totally oblivious to the whole thing, the EMTs were gone and Aiden was fine. (Dave and Aaron on the other hand were both a mess.)
I am happy to say that there are at least two positives that have come out of this situation. Firstly, Aiden's fine motor skills (his ability to pick up small objects and his ability to feed himself) have clearly improved!!! (Yeah, it's ok to laugh...the day after it happened I did.) As well, it seems like for the most part his digestive system is working well. (Can you guess where this is going??? :) Aiden has passed several Legos, yeah!! So as you can see, everything has "come out in the end". :) (It is really hard to be the "butt" of all of the jokes.)
We feel so blessed at the end of this situation. Aiden is ok, Aaron knows why we are so adamant about the Legos being upstairs, and EMS knows where we live. We are thankful that it was only pooping Legos versus having to say good-bye to our precious child.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. They were definitely felt last Friday evening.
Blessings to you all,


Anonymous said...

Boy, I hadn't checked your blog in forever, but I happened to be fiddling around with mine and saw the link to glad I checked! So, so glad that everything came out all right : ) Miss you, my friend!

Anonymous said...

My darling cousin who I love sooo dearly... only you could have this happen!! Seriously though I am so glad everything turned out ok. poor Dave and Aaron I'm sure they were freaked. Give Aiden a kiss for me and tell Dave good job and maintaining a cool head! Love you, I need to come see the new place soon.