Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Some good stuff in PT

Since returning from Hope Therapy in early November, I have felt terribly unable to really provide the kind of PT that Aiden needs. I am not knocking my good helper and friend Tara. She is doing a great job. Unfortunately, this has not been a stellar health month for her. Taking into account the Thanksgiving holiday, her falling off a roof and a respiratory virus/ear infection, daily PT has been solely my responsibility.

We were going through the motions; exercises, practice up and down, sit to stand, step up step down. Was Aiden really getting anything, or was he just following the physical cues? I couldn't answer the question.

On Wednesday (12/18) Tara and I decided to make things a little more difficult; Aiden had to stand from a box 2 1/2 inches tall. I didn't think that he'd be able to do it. Surprise!!!!! He did.

The pictures are of Aiden going through the steps to standing. He had a couple of wiggles in the middle, but on the whole, he was steady and eager to succeed. Grant it the TV remote was the "carrot on the string" for him. Still, it was a small victory for us.

So Friday Tara and I decided to change things up a little. We loaded all of the kids into the van and headed for church. We used the fellowship hall for PT. Aiden was able to walk using his gait trainer for 20-25 minutes. He maneuvered around tables, chairs, into and out of the kitchen, around counters, through doorways, on tile and over carpet. (sounds a little like an overland expedition doesn't it?)

Once Aiden tired of that we loaded him onto his tricycle. Around and around he went. He was not doing a lot of the pedalling, but he was at least getting the idea of what he should be doing. We gave him about 5-10 minutes to ride before we headed to the steps.

I should have known better than to wait to the end to tackle stairs, but I will remember for the next time. That having been said, Aiden did not enjoy the down of the stairs. On the up, however, he surprised us both by moving fairly quickly right,left, right, etc. without using his arms to pull.

It is not rocket science. I am well aware that for most kids his age this is no big deal, but on Friday my son walked up stairs like most 3 year olds do. He did something typical. Perhaps his brain is beginning to realize more of what it should do. Maybe all of the motor mapping that we've been attempting is paying off. Just maybe we are seeing a bit of a miracle.

I am choosing to believe that this is a small miracle for Aiden. I am also believing that there will be more. I am storing up in my heart those things that people have said to me over the last 4 years; those words that I believe have come from God, and I will remember them. I will be encouraged by them when I am sad. I will pray them over my child and I will remind my Lord of His promises to me and to Aiden.

Dear friends, thank you for your faithfulness to us as a family, and to me personally. I covet your prayers and thank God for you. Please know that my prayers are lifted for you as you enter into this holy season. Be blessed remembering that the Lord of love came into this world to save us, not to condemn us. What an awesome gift! Pray for miracles for us. (I am believing for a special gift this year.) I want to hear my little son's voice. (I feel like Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego. "If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, but even if He doesn't, we want you to know, O king, that we will not worship your idols." Daniel 3:17-18. I will expect, and I will not choose disbelief.)

Blessings to you all for Christmas!



Carmen Rose said...

Bless your heart! So cool to follow your story!

Anonymous said...


I'm praying for your strength as you and your family continue this journey full of surprises, struggles and blessings.

Merry Christmas,

Anonymous said...

I know I've said this to you, but I think it's similar to how we don't really notice how our kids are growing, but when someone who hasn't seen them in a long time sees them, it's very obvious. You probably miss some of Aiden's incredible progress because it comes in small increments to you, but to us bystanders it's truly amazing and very obvious! I marvel at your commitment to being as consistent as possible with his therapy and I think you're doing an excellent job for your son. I'm praying for you to hear his voice this year...