Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!

I just wanted to take a minute to let you know what a blessing each of you have been to me these last few months. Your encouragement, prayers, and support have been priceless. As well, having the opportunity to freely express my struggles and victories as they pertain to Aiden, and to my personal walk of faith, has been therapeutic.

I will continue this process throughout the new year and hope that you will continue to follow, pray and perhaps grow with us as we seek to help Aiden to gain his independence and as I seek to gain in my dependence (on the Lord).

Thank you all so much.
Blessings to each of you during this season,


Carmen Rose said...

You did a lovely job with the solo Christmas Eve!

Anonymous said...

Christa, i am so sorry that we did not get to seeou and Aiden during the holidays. I am glad I came to Staunton to see Aaron's scout ceremony and the opportunity to see my youngest grandson. I was amazed at the rpogress he has made since it had been so long since I last saw him. I wish I was closer so I could see him more and get to know him better along with his brother and sister. Thanks for your blogs.
