Friday, January 23, 2009

A quick update

I really haven't given you all much information concerning Aiden's progress recently. I decided that tonight I would give you an update. He has definitely had some ups and downs.

So here we go. For those of you who are interested in Aiden's physical therapy it is actually going well. He is stepping up well, using both his left and right legs. He still shows a preference for the left, but repetition with the right leg is helping. He is also getting the idea of how to step down. Until recently, when he stepped down his supporting leg would collapse. This week he was able to step down 6 out of 10 times without collapsing.

Aiden's therapy typically begins with weight lifting. Since our time in Richmond we have struggled to get Aiden to use his ABductors (the muscles that allow you to side step). He could get a little hip movement (hip hike) but mostly he was squeezing his gluties. This week we achieved not only hip hikes but actual movement!!! You may be sitting there thinking "Big deal, so the kid can move his legs in and out." But for those of us who have worked so hard for this, it means that another motor movement has been mapped and he is able to differentiate the between his glutes, hip flexors and abductors.

I am having to leave much of my work undone (not that I really mind or that anyone would really notice) because Aiden is now doing a lot of independent walking. He is standing himself up (usually from a chair or a stool) and going. I am having to follow him around to make sure that if he falls he falls forward. Actually, he has fallen backwards several times in the last several weeks, and he is definitely bending at the knees! This is a huge relief for Dave and me. It means that Aiden is learning to protect his head; no helmet for us right now.

Finally, Aiden is beginning to play; really play. No he isn't putting puzzles together and he isn't playing Candyland, but he is finding enjoyment in toys. He is sitting and using toys. He is interacting with us as he plays, and he is taking turns with me. Aiden is also learning to kick a ball (on purpose). It is exciting to watch as lights begin to come on for Aiden.

He is still not signing at all. We actually are not encouraging any signing in order to cause Aiden to stop using the juice sign for everything. His use of the single sign has decreased to almost nothing. This is a good thing according to our speech therapist. She feels that perhaps we pushed Aiden expressively. I am not 100% sure that I agree, but at this time I will follow the plan. We are working on Aiden's receptive language skills and he seems to be following more and longer directions. I asked him to come to me and sit down in his little chair the other day. He totally followed the directions. I was really surprised and thrilled.

There are some really good things happening right now. I continue to struggle with the speed of his development and with the fear that he will always struggle to move and communicate, but the Lord is faithful to move us to places where we can receive His healing. (Guess I'm going to have to make many moves in my future!)

Blessings to all and continue to pray for Shannon and her family. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My prayers are continually with you my loving cousin, I hope to hear more and more encouraging things concerning Aiden and also encouraging things concerning you and your walk through all of this. Hold your head up high and stretch your hands upward, the Lord will grab them and guide you. Loving thoughts and prayers to you and your family. P.S. I've sent you a couple of emails.