Monday, January 5, 2009

All I want for Christmas.....

Sometimes children have the ability to tell you exactly what will thrill them on Christmas morning. Sometimes what they tell you would be the perfect gift turns out not to be what was expected and there is much disappointment and disillusionment. As a parent you would like to give your kids what they want (within reason of course), but that does not always happen.

It is an extra challenge with Aiden because he cannot tell us what toy would make his kid dreams come true. So we searched high and low looking for a toy that is action packed, brightly colored, easy to operate, very sturdy, and won't break the bank. This Christmas we got him a little train.

It runs on it's own track or runs on floor. Having both options is super because the likelihood that the train will eventually be on floor is great. It starts up by either pushing on the head of the engineer, or
by pushing on the button the engineer sits on. It has 3 figures, a monkey, an elephant, and the engineer. They are rubbery plastic and can be chewed on if the desire over takes you. (This desire overtakes Aiden on a momentary basis.)

The whole set is compact for storage and small for playing. It was relatively inexpensive, and not too difficult to find. Mostly, though, Aiden seems to really like it.

Last Christmas Aiden was really not very interested in any of the festivities. He was still not very mobile and if it wasn't TV he just couldn't focus on the gift. It was a little disheartening to watch. As a Christmas baby, I usually find much excitement in the process of Christmas as well as the joy of giving gifts. Aiden did not find the joy in the process.

Perhaps that is why I had such a hard time entering into the Christmas spirit this year. I know that I blamed it on Thanksgiving two weeks ago, but maybe it was an attempt to guard against being disappointed. (OK, so I sometimes over-analyze things. Who really knows what my subconscious is thinking??)

Thankfully, this year was a little different. Aiden did enter into the excitement more. He at least acknowledged the gift, if not the excitement of receiving it. And he did actually play. It is not typical for him to play for any extended period of time. Christmas day he did.

I continue to learn from Aiden. I am personally blessed to have such a dear little teacher. (In all actuality, it could definitely be less pleasant.) Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Matthew 11:30) I am choosing to accept the yoke and the burden from the Lord. I will allow Him to carry the things that I am certainly not able in my own strength to carry. Those things only weigh me down and steal the joy that I can hold on to in order to get through each day.

I am also learning to accept the gift(s) that my Heavenly Father has given me. Matthew 7:11 says, "If you then, evil as you are know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and adventageous gifts to those who keep on asking Him!! I have been given good gifts. It is imperative that I remind myself of this when the voices of discouragement try to convince me otherwise. It is not only important for me personally, but for all of us, and in any situation, to find the blessings of the "good gifts". So, keep your eyes on the gifts. Remember that they are given by the One who can only give good gifts.

Blessings to you all.


PS Notice the last picture. Do you see anyone familiar (other than Aiden)? Yes, it is Girlfriend!!! (If you don't know Girlfriend, check back to late Oct.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Christa,
this is Beth, can you do me a favor and send me your direct email. my email address is I wanted a chance to talk to you through email. Thanks

P.S.- I saw your dad the other day and told him to tell you to let me know the next time your in town. I miss you bunches!!