Saturday, November 8, 2008

Our last day at Hope Therapy Center

Yesterday was our last day of intensiveat Hope Therapy. I am at a loss for words. For those who know me, that is surprising. So I will take this time to reflect over the events of the last 3 weeks. Maybe I'll come to some conclusions, maybe I'll just ponder, who knows?

(Aiden jumping for joy on his last day!)

When we first started 3 weeks ago I was skeptical to say the least. The day seemed long, the suit was strange and Aiden did not like it at all, it was difficult work for Aiden, and on top of everything, I was sick. I was so uncertain that we were going the right way with this therapy. I wasn't scared; I was doubtful.

(He was being so silly!)

But the next day was better. Aiden did better with the suit. He didn't fall asleep right after the session. He seemed to be responding to the routine much more quickly than I had expected him to. As well, Shannon was encouraging and supportive. Actually, she was also open and forthcoming about her own life. It made me feel comfortable and not quite so lonely.

Week one went off without any major problems. We began to see behaviors at home that seemed different from what Aiden had been doing before. He was more confident on his feet. He seemed to want to be moving. And he was doing a lot of up and down on his toes. I had hope.

We were warned that often times the second week was the most difficult for the children. I steeled myself for crying, screaming and tantrums. It didn't happen. For the most part, Aiden was content and happy. (It didn't hurt that on occasion I brought the DVD player in to the center!!) He rode a tricycle, tackled steps and began to show signs of improved strength.
I had more hope!

So we began week three. Aiden was a little more grumpy this week, but he still pretty much followed the program. Although we were following the same basic routine that we had followed the 2 weeks before, Aiden was showing more progress. The exciting thing is that we saw a lot of that progress at home. He would just show up in the kitchen. He would walk independently across the room. He managed his gait trainer in the yard outside. Amazing!!

That brings us to today. It is Saturday, and today we celebrated Aiden's and my graduation from the Hope therapy intensive program. Our family has been very supportive throughout
this process, and in true goofy family fashion, had a graduation dinner for us tonight. (Aiden's graduation)

Before we ever got to this point; before there was ever the hope that this would be remotely successful; before we read about the fire at Hope therapy; there was a bigger plan, a purpose. There was someone who knew what was going to happen; someone who saw the big picture.
I have often questioned that someone and have railed at Him about my situation; about Aiden's situation. I have asked why!

I have not heard the voice of God or of angels. I have not had any prophetic word as to the reasoning behind my baby's disability, but what I do have are God's promises. Firstly, He says that "In all things God works for the good of those who love him and have been called according to His purpose". I can be sure that Aiden's birth and placement in my family are purposeful and good. Secondly, I have a promise directly from Jesus' mouth, "I am with you always, to the very end of the age." This doesn't really answer the questions, but brings to mind the fact that at no time am I ever alone in my struggles.

( Aiden at the family celebration of our completion of intensive.
Boy does he look pleased !)
I look into the eyes of my precious son and I see the heart of a child; full of laughter, games of hide and seek, tears over broken toys, love for Mommy and Daddy; trusting and sweet. In those eyes I can't see his future, but I can and do see hope.

Thank you to all who have continued to read and to those prayer warriors who have stormed the gates of heaven on our behalf. The Lord has been faithful. Please pray for our plans once we return home; that I will be able to organize enough to maintain a more rigorous PT schedule. Also, praise the Lord for the seed of hope that He has planted in my heart. And big huge praises for the progress that we have seen in Aiden. Pray for Shannon and her family. ( I had the opportunity to meet both of her daughters and her husband. Her family is very sweet, and now I can put faces with the names.) Continue to pray for them to have restful nights. Finally, pray for the staff and clients at Hope Center. They need to know that they are being lifted up.

Blessings to all,

PS. I have decided that I will continue to maintain this site to chronicle the return home and Aiden's continued progress. I will not blog everyday, but will try to at least 4 times weekly. :)

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