Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's all about being creative!

We have completed our first week of therapy at home. It was both exciting, challenging and frustrating all at once. (Mostly, it was exciting and challenging.) Aiden was able to tolerate 3 hours of directed PT and many other moments that "just happened".

One of the most challenging situations stems from the fact that we don't have all of the equipment that I feel like we need.
I would love to have a therapy cage, a suit, a room for workouts, a therapist on call, but I don't. So we have been forced to use lots of creativity.

Firstly, I couldn't find ankle weights so we're using wrist weights. (They do have thumb wholes that make for great hand holds!) Next, it is really hard to do abductor/adductor exercises without knee immobilizers, so with a couple cardboard folders and therabands we have
insta-mobilizers!! The ankle weights also work well as a body/waist belt. Finally, I enlisted extra help. My little helper, Addison, is really becoming very adept at keeping Aiden on the peanut. She is very willing to be helpful and nurturing with Aiden. It is a special blessing to see her with him.

Speaking from a strictly therapeutic view, Friday's session was much better. Tara and I realized we had not been following the routine that Aiden was used to. We started Friday with massage, then weights and finally the other exercises. Although we had to use motivators (TV and Maisy books), Aiden was much more willing to complete his workout, and responded much better to having Tara and I giving him cues. I was very encouraged!
I'm relieved that this week is over; not because it has been a bad week. I've learned that, although we are not able to recreate the marathon experience at Hope Therapy, we will be able to maintain more PT time than in the past. Aiden will learn to work with Tara and me, and the more we practice the techniques the better we will be. We will grow in our abilities to help and Aiden will grow in strength.

Much of our focus over the last several weeks has been on increasing Aiden's physical strength. It is, without question, a requirement for his mobility and ability to function in this world. I have felt that the Lord has prompted me to share, as well, my own personal quest for strength; spiritual strength. As I try to get back into the swing of things here at home I am reminded that I am not strong! Honestly, I'm ok with this because I realize that by admitting my own weaknesses I will begin to be able to gain strength from the One who created me.

Second Corinthians 12:9 says, "But he said to me, "My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you." So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. Then Christ's power can live in me." I won't list my issues right now, but I will say that currently the Lord is allowing me to practice humility. I am learning to admit that I need help; to accept it when it is offered; to be gracious in circumstances in which I never thought I'd find myself. Despite public opinion, we are not self-sufficient and we were never intended to be.

This week I have been given a gift; a gift of grace and humility. It is precious and it's giver is a blessing. Take the gifts that are offered this coming week, and thank the giver and One who provides all things.

Thanks to all of you who are continuing to pray. Your gift is priceless. Please continue to pray for Shannon and her family. I believe that they may have had some help this week and therefore may have been able to rest. Pray that this continues. As well, praise the Lord for His faithfulness not only to us but to all of His children.

Blessings to all,


PS. If you read this Shannon, the abductors were in the house Friday!! YEAH!!

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