Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A move date is on the horizon!

Hi Friends.
I am so sorry that I have not checked in for such a long time. It has been a crazy several weeks. After closing in mid December, all of our family contracted what we think was H1N1; followed by concurrent strep throat (Addison), sinus infection (Aaron and Aiden) and pneumonia (Dave). This was topped off with a Christmas Eve/Christmas morning visit to the ER with Aiden for a possible concussion. (Fortunately, a false alarm.) Thus bringing us to our Christmas holiday. (And I say that with a note of sarcasm in my voice!!:)

Our contractor has been juggling our renovations and at least one other job over the last several weeks. Needless to say, this has pushed our move date back several weeks. We were hoping for a move some time mid to late January. The most recent snow storm has helped us significantly. Because of the snow, our contractor has more time for indoor work (exactly what we need) so we may see a completion of the project within the week. We will now be expecting a move date for the end of February!! YEAH!!

I will do my best to keep you all posted. Take care and blessings to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yah !!!!!!!!!

The end is in sight---or maybe it's the beginning??

Thanks for keeping us posted,
Julie L