The Lord is really working on my heart. I am finding that through my sweet little boy I am becoming the woman that the Lord wants me to be. I am writing everyday so that others can walk with us through the victories and disappointments as we seek God's best for Aiden.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas morning...thoughts of Mary
As I await my miracle I realize that this day is in essesnce the celebration of a miracle. More than 2000 years ago a young woman (much younger than me) was entrusted with the responsibility of firstly accepting the fact that she was pregnant, unmarried and still a virgin. Then in the midst of the whole thing was carrying the child that would be the savior of the world; the messiah. I cannot imagine being required to wrap my mind around all of that, much less grasp the enormity as a teenager! (Remember that Mary was probably only 15.)
But this morning, as I have been sitting and really struggling with what I see as the probable outcome for my littlest one, the son of my heart, I wonder at Mary's ability to "treasure" the things that were said about Jesus in "in her heart". Did she truly understand the end result for the child she would raise as her own? Did her heart break a little each day as she realized that with each day that Jesus grew into a man he was walking closer to the end that would ultimately be required of him?
I cry, sometimes daily, for the possible outcomes I see in the future for our Aiden. I cry for myself because it is sometimes so difficult to face each day knowing that "normal" will never be normal for our family. I cry for Aiden because he may never understand; how much we love him, what he could become, what the world holds. Then I cry again because I am so small minded that I don't regularly see what blessings I have been given in the fact that I am priviledged to parent such an amazing child; one who works so hard everyday, who loves as much as he can and gives freely all that he has to give.
All this to say, Thank you Lord Jesus that I am not faced on a daily basis with the fear that my son's ultimate end will be an early death. Did Mary know? Did she know?
Today as you and your families give gifts and enjoy eachother remember how blessed you are. I don't say this because you may be a family with children facing no challenges, I say this because no matter the challenges we are blessed; all of us.
Pray with me today: Thank you Lord for the blessing of all children. Give us eyes to see the gifts that we have each been given; life, love, opportunities to bless others, family, the privilidge to praise and worship the God who created the universe. Show us your will for us this Christmas. In Your name Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us,
Blessings to you all this Christmas day,
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A Christmas tradition
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
My baby is growing up
I had been on bed rest for about 6 weeks before Aaron was born. I was seeing stars, had carpal tunnel in both hands, was gaining weight daily, and had been attached to the stress test machine so many times I could hook it up myself! I was ready to be done.
So after a restful night in labor & delivery(oh I am being so sarcastic right about now!!!) (No disrespect to any OB nurses out there; I love you!) my doctor decided that my bag of waters should be broken. This certainly moved things
along. Aaron was born 5 hours later.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Dave and I had gone out to have a quick cup of coffee before he had to go to work last Tuesday. Let me tell you, it was a quick cup of coffee! We had only been in the restaurant for 15 minutes; just long enough for the waiter to put the coffee on our table and for me to get my requisite 5 creamers and sugar in the cup. With my first sip (and my last) my phone rang with the message that Aiden was not acting right and we should come right home.
Dave and I sprang from the table, paid for the coffee, cancelled our breakfast order and headed out to our cars (we had driven separately so Dave could head to work). I have not driven that fast in a long time!!! On the way I was talking to Tara about the incident and calling the pediatrician's office. We were advised to bring Aiden to the office immediately.
I would guess that by this time you are wondering (especially after the lego choking incident) what was happening. So here goes. Aiden had been running a fever since Sunday morning. By Tuesday morning his fever seemed to have broken and when Dave and I left he was fever free. Apparently, between the time we left and the fifteen minutes to the call from Tara his fever went up, rather quickly. While standing watching TV Aiden started to shake (the doctor thinks that he was shivering). He was also grinding his teeth (perhaps because he is unfamiliar with the way chattering feels). He did not; however, loose consciousness, become rigid, fall, drool or loose control of his bowels (bladder is up for grabs).
We have been told that if Aiden didn't have seizures by 3 he was not likely to have them. I do not want to think that this was a seizure, but it scared me like I haven't been afraid in years. Now when Aiden yawns or his eyes begin to cross a little or he looses his balance I feel fear begin to grip my heart. I feel like we have seen so much progress; so many steps forward. Seizure activity would be a gigantic step back. My heart breaks with the thought and I cry out to God, "Lord what are you doing?"
I am doing my best to step away from the "what ifs" and focus on the facts. God is good all the time. He loves Aiden more than I do. He loves me more than I do! :) His desire is for our good. Finally, because I am a God's child fear has no control over me.
Please pray for us. Pray that Aiden has no other incidents. Pray for me; that I am able to rest in the Lord daily. Thank you all so much for remembering us.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Another first for Aiden
So the job of finding the right program for Aiden became my focus. I haven't been putting it off.
The Messy Class is all about getting your hands dirty. Aiden attended his first class 2 weeks ago Friday. He got to play with homemade play dough. They had primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. They got to mix secondary colors: green, purple, and orange. Aiden squeezed the dough, patted the dough and pushed the dough. His favorite colors were blue and green. (He picked them every time!!) I think that he had fun!
I know that it is not rocket science or medical school, but for us it is a step forward in providing Aiden with options for his future. We will continue to do our best for Aiden; to reach beyond what we or anyone else may think limits him in order to seek God's best for him. It is a challenge, sometimes moment by moment, but one that we will do our best to meet.
Please continue to pray for us. Pray for Aiden to continue to make steps forward both in fine motor skills and in communication. As well, pray that Dave and I will have the wisdom to do what is best for our family.
Blessings to you all,
Friday, October 15, 2010
There's a reason for the age warning!!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
A view from my window
How many times have I done the same thing with my husband and kids; with friends and other family? In my busy-ness how much beauty have I missed? I am sure that I have missed much. I will not be able to recapture those moments no matter how much I would like to.
So what do I do now? Well, for starters, I am going to pause at my kitchen window, drink my coffee and thank the Lord for the gifts that He has given me: my husband, my children, my friends, the priviledge to live in such a beautiful place, my adoption into the God's family. (The list could go on and on!!!) As well, I will do my best to recognize the opportunities that are given to me each day to extend grace to others (that grace truly is a blessing). I hope that you will take a minute to catch a "glimpse from your window" and embrace the beautiful blessings you've been given!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We value them greatly. I will give an Aiden update soon.
Blessings to you and yours,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A summer picnic
This Saturday Aaron, Addison, Aiden and I went to Augusta Springs and had a picnic! For many of you this will not seem like a big deal. For us however, it is huge. Not because we have a hard time making sandwiches or because there aren't any places to picnic close by, but because ususlly Aiden doesn't tolerate them well.
I was skeptical as to whether or not we would even get to eat lunch, but Aaron and Addison have hope that springs eternal---Aaron even brought his net to catch minnows and crawfish.
I packed Aiden's books and some goldfish crackers and off we went! (I did make sandwiches:) The drive was beautiful, the weather was perfect and Aiden was in a great mood. Once there we had a little grumpiness, but once the Maisy books (still the perinal favorites) came out of the basket all was well.
After lunch we headed out for a walk on the handicapped accessible trail. The clack-clack of the boardwalk under the stroller's wheels seemed to be just what Aiden needed to relax into a peaceful mood. Aaron and Addison were able to check out some of the information on the trail because Aiden was happy in his stroller. I have to be honest, I was just waiting for the meltdown to come. I am happy to say that I was completely surprised and greatly blessed by Saturday's outing. I should know that the Lord can use any situation to bless.
I have said on more than one occassion that I am often surprised by how the Lord blesses me. From the blessing of our new home where I am hopeful that others will find grace, mercy and blessings to a quiet Saturday picnic I am amazed by the depth of blessing that has been poured out on me. Am I only seeing them because I am in the unusual position of being a mom of a special child, or is it because I am slowly but surely learning to look at each day; each situation; each moment as a blessing?
I am hopeful that it is because I am learning to see the possibilities for blessing in all things. We do have to face things that many families will never have to face, but situations should not be what determines attitude. I could allow that to happen (and honestly I have), but that would leave me helpless. The Bible says, "For God did not give us a Spirit of timidity but of power and of love and of a calm and well balanced mind and discipline and self-control." (2Tim 1:6-8) By succumbing to that helplessness I give up the power and choose the timidity; I loose the character that I have been given through Jesus. I don't want to be afraid; I want the power not the timidity!!!
My friends if you find yourself choosing the fear or timidity over the power; if you're loosing sight of the blessings ask the Lord to redirect you. Our loving Father wants to bless us and He does daily. Open those boxes of blessings and enjoy them!
Thank you all for your continued prayers. We appreciate them and are so grateful for your support.
Blessings to all,
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Would you like a sneak peek?
The picture to the right is of Dave's and my bedroom. It is painted with really warm contrasting browns. We're doing all of the trim in white. I was really unsure of the colors. My sister Jennifer helped me pick them out and if the truth be told, she did a great job (but DON'T TELL HER!)
This is the room that the kids will share to begin with. Addison is a little scared to be in a room by herself, so Aaron and Aiden will share with her for a while. Aiden will always be in a room with one of the other kids, so for right now it will be Addison. In a couple of years (probably less time than I would like to imagine) we will move Aiden in with Aaron because Addison will need girl space. (I hope the Lord gives me a few years to prepare!)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The twists and turns often surprise me
The proposition was to remove what is called the "consumer directed option" from the waiver provided services. For us this would mean that we would no longer have the choice of attendants; we would have to accept any person who was sent to us by an agency. We would not be able to interview the attendant; not be able to asked questions concerning the person's background; not be able to fire the attendant if the fit was not right (or if heaven forbid something terrible were to happen). I am not willing to give up that much power to anyone; especially a stranger and especially with my littlest baby. This cut would effect not only children with disabilities, but also disabled adults and elderly.
So how have Governor McDonnell's proposed budget cuts caused twists and turns in my life's road? Well, as you can imagine I was a little shocked and lots concerned. I appreciate the help that we receive. I have seen improvements in not only Aiden, but in my older kids as well. I knew that they were in need of my time, but I have had so little to give them until the waiver gave us help. I was also angry....Why should the people who have so little be responsible for carrying so much of the burden? So when I was asked to contact some people about the cuts I jumped in with both feet.
Let me start by saying that I have never seen myself as a crusader. Although I chose a career in a field with children who usually lacked care or who were shuffled around because they were unwanted, I did not see my advocating for them as a crusade. I also thought that I understood the importance of the parent advocate. Now I truly understand; if I don't stand up for Aiden and those like him; if I don't encourage others to do the same; if I do not try to change the system so that things are better than I have no one to blame but myself. Conversely, my children would have no one else to blame but me.
So I made call after call, forwarded every email I received, printed multiple letters to as many politicians as I could. How did it turn out? Yesterday we heard that the Senate and House here in Virginia decided to remove the consumer directed options from the chopping block....for now. The actual budget in it's final form will not be looked at until the end of April so I will continue to work towards better treatment, better care, better options for children with disabilities.
I had no idea that some day I would be called on to "rally the troops" (small though they be), or that I would be interviewed by television reporters as if I was someone with a worthwhile opinion. On some level, I believe that I had something to do with the decision to leave funding in the budget for these services. Could it be that this is a new path for me; that I might be in the right place at the right time? Maybe it is just that I want to feel that I am destined for greatness; or maybe I just need to think that something not just good, but great will come from the struggles that we've encountered with Aiden, or maybe I just want to feel like the dreams that I had for Aiden won't go to waste. Maybe it is all of the options. I will wait and see. I hope that you will wait with me.
I will keep you posted as to how this works out, and if you can be helpful by contacting your delegates. As well, I cherish your prayers.
Blessings to you all,
To see Aiden's interview go to
(Ok, so if that doesn't work you can go to When the home page comes up go to the video search engine and type in medicaid waiver. The search engine should give you several options. The picture w/a little boy wearing a blue pullover is Aiden. ) :)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A move date is on the horizon!
I am so sorry that I have not checked in for such a long time. It has been a crazy several weeks. After closing in mid December, all of our family contracted what we think was H1N1; followed by concurrent strep throat (Addison), sinus infection (Aaron and Aiden) and pneumonia (Dave). This was topped off with a Christmas Eve/Christmas morning visit to the ER with Aiden for a possible concussion. (Fortunately, a false alarm.) Thus bringing us to our Christmas holiday. (And I say that with a note of sarcasm in my voice!!:)
Our contractor has been juggling our renovations and at least one other job over the last several weeks. Needless to say, this has pushed our move date back several weeks. We were hoping for a move some time mid to late January. The most recent snow storm has helped us significantly. Because of the snow, our contractor has more time for indoor work (exactly what we need) so we may see a completion of the project within the week. We will now be expecting a move date for the end of February!! YEAH!!
I will do my best to keep you all posted. Take care and blessings to all.