Saturday, October 25, 2008

A little light reading for the week end

I realize that I don't have any therapy news today, but I wanted to fill you in on the way we found out about Richmond Hope Therapy Center. So here it goes.....
In July of this year, Hope Therapy's building burned down. My understanding is that renovations for expanding the center at the original building were almost complete when the fire occurred. It was an accidental fire, but I can only imagine the disappointment that the staff felt when they found out. I am sure that it was heartbreaking for them.
Fortunately, they were able to find a new location that was similar to the size that the old building would have been after the renovations. And they were open for business again in early August. I am sure that the therapists and the clients of the center were thrilled.
So here's where our story begins. Needless to say, the fire provided a lot of publicity for the facility. It was the cover story on a magazine that is published for an area Innsbrook. My brother-in-law Chris works in Innsbrook, and for some reason he had a copy of the magazine. He brought the magazine home and my sister who is a physical therapy assistant saw the cover. I did not see the cover, but I think it had a picture of a little one with a gait trainer (walker) similar to Aiden's ( or the one the little girl on the cover of the brochure is using). Jennifer found the picture interesting, and read the article.
I got a call from Jenn and she told me about the center, the fire, the little girl with the gait trainer and urged me to look into the therapy offered. Neither of us had ever heard of "suit therapy" and to be honest it sounded a little strange. But I love my little guy and so I looked.
I looked at Hope Therapy's web site ( and found a picture of the same little girl wearing this thing that looked like it was from outer space! (You all have seen Aiden in the suit-it's not what you expect to see.) I also looked at the actual "therasuit"web site, and read their information. I was skeptical, but honestly, Jennifer kept bugging me and so I just called RHTC.
I made an appointment to visit the center in early September. The therapist who I spoke with said that someone could evaluate Aiden and let us know if he was a good candidate for the suit. So we went; Aiden, me and Jennifer. (Ironically, the center is 10 minutes from my parents' home in Richmond.)
Shannon did the evaluation and really put me at ease. She was knowledgeable, kind and encouraging. Before we left Shannon gave me some advice concerning community organizations that could help us help Aiden. Then she said something that really surprised me, "Even if you decide not to come here for therapy, please don't hesitate to call if you need help getting benefits for Aiden."
Okay, that may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but since Aiden aged out of his community program I had been flailling around like I was drowning. I guess I really felt like she cared, not because we might come to the center, but because she knew what I was going through and wanted to help. (As I type this, I'm tearing up.) I felt like someone had thrown me a lifeline.
Jennifer and I discussed the visit on the way home, and then again with my folks and Dave. It was not a decision that we could make immediately. The intensive therapy is very expensive so money had to be available. In order for our insurance to reimburse anything, therapy had to be completed before the end of the year. Finally, we had to work out a plan for Aaron and Addison.
I prayed alot. I am not one to jump too fast. And honestly, I know how people look at parents of children with disabilities. If you choose to do something that is remotely outside the parameters of traditional medicine or therapy, they think that you are desparate. Maybe I am a little. But my time with the Lord yeilded a "go".
After our vacation at the end of September, I called to schedule Aiden's first intensive therapy session. Despite the center being one therapist down (labor and delivery), they were able to fit us in before the end of the year. The Hope Foundation is providing us with a scholarship towards our tuition. My parents have been able to care for Aaron and Addison during treatment, and house all of us. Our insurance will reemburse some of the cost of the treatment. And God provided the finances for this adventure in a the form of a pay out for some stocks that Dave had from Massenutten!!
I know that this has seemed like a long drawn out explanation, but I truly feel that God has had His hand on this whole endeavor. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the center burned down just so Jennifer would see that article. What I do mean is that I know the God of the universe used a seemingly bad situation to bring us (and maybe other families) to this place. We had to be willing to go; to follow His lead, but there is peace in obedience.
I had been praying for God's direction; for Him to show me (actually, I believe that I really wanted Him to answer me out loud!!) what to do for Aiden. My mother's heart was crying out for some small sign of hope. For right now, that has been provided. In this moment I know that I am right where the Lord wants me; in the palm of His hand.
Thank you all for reading this epistle. I wanted you to know that we are not in a place of desparation in our lives. Quite the contrary, we are "standing on the promises of God".
Your prayers are such a blessing. Please continue. And if you can, thank Him for His faithfulness to us and to all of His children.

Blessings to all of you,
PS. If you are interested in more information on RHTC you can find them on the web
at Please comment if you read-the settings are changed so you don't need a gmail account!! :)

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