Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A gift on Sunday

I wish that I could print pictures from my brain. If I could I would play back my church service from this last Sunday. Let me try to describe it for you.

In our church there is an area between the back row of seats and the back wall. It's open and carpeted and perfect for a little guy who likes to walk around, read a book or snack on cookies during church. It's where we usually make camp on Sunday mornings. So when I stepped onto the platform in the front of the sanctuary with the choir I looked for my men in the back. Neither Dave nor Aiden were there.

Our choir director was sharing some scripture that had really spoken to her and was talking about the song we were going to sing (Never let Go). I have to admit that I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have because I was still looking for Aiden. That's when I saw him. He had walked down the side aisle and was peeking around the front pew.

Aiden did the rounds; he visited with Pam as she spoke, visited with the pastor's wife, the elder and his wife. He walked to the other side of the sanctuary and looked at the kids sitting in the front. He walked over to one of our exchange students who promptly scooped him into her lap where he stayed until the song was over and then he returned down the center aisle to visiting on his way back to Dave.

"Yeah, that's cute Christa, but what's the big deal?" you may be saying to yourself. Well here it is. Firstly, I had just shared with the congregation what you read in my last blog...that I had been questioning God's wisdom in placing Aiden with us and that I realized that I needed to rely on the Lord's power for my strength. Secondly, God, in His grace and wisdom, has placed us in a church family where Aiden, instead of being seen as a problem or a distraction, is seen as a gift and a miracle. The elder or his wife, the choir director or the pastor's wife could easily have whisked Aiden back to Dave and rebuked us later for allowing our child to wander in during the service. Instead, I was encouraged to remember that Aiden is not only a miracle to my family, but also to our collective church family; that he is a blessing and reminds people of God's faithfulness and love. Finally, I was reminded by Aiden's walk around that God has allowed me to have some part in this child's progress.

I cried as we sang "Oh no, You never let go through the calm and through the storm. Oh no You never let go in every high and every low. Oh no You never let go. Lord you'll never let go of me." He won't ever let go. I can trust that even on the days when I feel like I have totally blown it and I want to hang up my mommy crown He will carry me; even in the middle of the night when I can't figure out why my son is running a fever or my older kids refuse to comply I can trust that He will guide me (if I listen). He'll never let me go.

Blessings to you all on this day.