Monday, October 5, 2009

It's been a long, long time....

Dear Friends,

I don't even really suppose that there are any of you still checking; it's been so long since I blogged, but I find that maybe I have some new interesting news! So here goes with our latest.

Over the last six or seven months I have really felt called to create a group for moms with children with disabilities. As some of you may know I have attended a moms' group in Richmond, and found some great support, information, and friendship. I spent time praying about the possibilities; I sought wise counsel from people who know me and who I trust, and I waited. Right before we left for our family vacation the beginning of September Bethann (our PT) and I decided that the time was right. That having been said, Valley Moms was born!!!

As a result of 12 fliers placed around Staunton and Augusta county and a couple of friends spreading the word, six moms and one dad made their way to Ciro's in Verona for the inaugural meeting of Valley Moms!!! (I was thrilled that anyone showed up at all.) We ate Italian and sat around and chatted. It was great to be able to share information and make new friends. We will meet the 3rd Thursday of each month (with exceptions for holidays). Our meetings will be informal for this part of the year. It is our hope that in the spring we will be able to provide some more informational type meetings. If you know any moms who are caring for special kids and may need an hour or two of pizza and soda send her our way!!!

A quick update from our home...Dave is maintaining things at the golf course. He is looking forward (as he always does this time of the year) to the possibility of snow (and lots of it he would say). Addison, Aaron and I have finally started at the ACE co-op. They are each taking some classes and I am co-teaching an art history and techniques class to 2nd/3rd graders. I am looking forward to the kids making many new friends and I am enjoying being a teacher again. Speaking of teaching, I completed both of my graduated classes and am awaiting my renewed teaching license. Finally, Aiden is doing well. What is well, you may ask? He is continuing to walk well unassisted. Things that I thought that he would never do (squat to stand, tricycling, walking at the park in the mulch, etc) he is doing. Stairs are still a challenge. Going up is improving much faster than going down, but at least we have the chance to practice. We are still looking for some really good reliable regular attendant care so if you know anyone let me know:). I am truly blessed.

Please pray that we will find really good people to work with Aiden. It is difficult to find someone to trust with your child. Also, pray that we will see changes in Aiden's ability to speak. We are trusting the Lord with this daily. Finally, Shann0n and her family have had some very serious challenges recently. Please pray that they would have wisdom and peace in the midst of difficulty.

Blessings to you all.