I had been on bed rest for about 6 weeks before Aaron was born. I was seeing stars, had carpal tunnel in both hands, was gaining weight daily, and had been attached to the stress test machine so many times I could hook it up myself! I was ready to be done.
So after a restful night in labor & delivery(oh I am being so sarcastic right about now!!!) (No disrespect to any OB nurses out there; I love you!) my doctor decided that my bag of waters should be broken. This certainly moved things
along. Aaron was born 5 hours later.
The blessings of parenthood have and continue to be overwhelming; hugs and kisses everyday,
laughter and smiles regularly, an opportunity to see childhood through someone else's eyes and to
even have the chance to do some of those things
To Aaron I am forever grateful. He made me a mommy. His birth showed me that I could love someone with my whole heart in minutes. I grew up the day Aaron came into the world. Through him I have learned that you can "make bread" in the sandbox, "nakes" from the birch tree aren't really scary, and everyday can be my "shining time".
We celebrated this birthday with a camp out at the house. Five guys outside with fire, hobo meals, and s'mores. It was a coming of age activity for Aaron and a getting old activity for me. But honestly, I am so proud of the young man that he is becoming.
Blessings to you Aaron. I love you so much.